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nAnB nCnD nEnF nGnH nInJ nKnL nMnN nOnP nQnR nSnT nUnV nWnX nYnZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MITTAL'S natural +ribbon 30
MOLI natural mehandi +woman 3
MOUNT natural premium 32
MYNA natural shampoo +woman 3
N natural +square 25
N natural furniture +star 19
NATRACOL natural food colou 2
NEO natural 5
NEONATAL natural a&d vitami 5
NEW ZIMALAYA natural specia 5
NFF natural fine foods +ova 30
NFF natural fine foods rice 30
NGP natural growth promoter 31
NJ natural JET 35
NN nilgiri natural +square 3
natural 42
O&N organic and natural 29, 30
OILO natural beauty soap 3
OTTO fresh & natural +fruit 21
OXFORD techno natural 24
PANACEA-natural products 41
PARACHUTE natural +coconut 3
PARACHUTE natural shampoo 3
PARIMAL YATRA natural +feet 3
PARKER the natural clothes 25
PATANJALI natural 3, 29
PATANJALI natural in hindi 29
PATIDAR natural sat-isabgol 30, 31
PESCO KHAS natural herbal 3
POM natural 32
PRAGYA natural edible fat 29
PRITHVI natural healing yog 3
RAJAS natural foods +oval 30
RAJBHOG natural jaggery 30
RAKI natural nourishing 30
RELIABLE'S natural 3, 29, 31
RELIANCE natural 42
RELIANCE natural food 42
RISHI-natural 5
RITIKA'S natural pan 31
RK natural punjab wheat rav 30
RK HOME MADE natural syrup 32
RUBY'S natural +woman plant 3
SAREEN'S natural care +leaf 29
SATHVA ADHIK natural +arcs 1
SATNAM natural fibre +plant 30
SAVARI pillow natural 20
SAY natural +ovals 30
SAY natural ice cream 29
SCOOPZ natural icecream 30
SIEKO natural hair fixer 3
SILVER SHINE natural feelin 25
SM natural 43
SNOW BITE natural ice-cream 30
SNOW KING natural ice-cream 30
SUKARISI natural medicines 5
SUNDARAM natural handmade 3
SUSRUTHA'S natural herbal 5
SWISSAND natural solution 19
TABU hy-gloss natural 3
TAPAN 100% natural vitalise 30
THANCO fresh natural +oval 30, 43
THE natural BINKAS 30
TRUTEIN natural lutein 5
U-LA natural mineral water 32
UM natural coconut oil 29
VITA-X natural food 30
VIV ANION all natural 5
WILLS natural lights 34
WIPRO pure n natural 3, 16, 25, 30
YAHOO natural 34
YAHOO natural pan masala 29, 30, 31
ZSBC natural fresh water 32
b-VIVE truly natural +child 28
bio ASTIN natural 5
boro natural 5
have a sip natural SIP +ova 32
herbal mix natural soap 3, 5
hot & hot natural tea 30
last FOREST natural product 30
new zealand natural +leaf 29, 30, 35
parry's natural beta carote 30
pure & natural PROVET 1
super natural food +plant 30
super VASMOL aamla natural 3
swiss natural sources 5
BAILLEY naturale 32
CUCCIO naturale 3
PG'S naturale 30
SPECTRUM granito naturale 2
ST. JOHN naturale 3
VVD naturalite 3
VVD naturalite (LABEL) 29
naturally PERFECT salt +che 30
naturally SHAHNAZ 3
naturally YOURS 42
5 HTP N serotonin naturally 5
BIO-MARK naturally yours 1, 5, 29, 31, 42
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